1. Introduction:
Star Namer Bible Study: Joshua 9 & 10 is an interactive study that will enrich your understanding of Joshua 9 and 10 and related passages. You will become more familiar with the era of the Late Bronze Age through the novel and other research. And you will see the setting of this historical event through maps, YouTube, and virtual tours that will make this passage more relevant to you. Any version of the Bible will apply. Author used the New International Version.
SPSSN is a Bible Study disguised as an action novel.
Reading through the Bible chronologically for several years motivated the fleshing out of the biblical account of the Gibeonites and their quest to know God.
Scripture verses from Genesis 9 to Jeremiah 21:13 grounded the writing of SPSSN. Together with the author’s plausible characters and visiting the site in 2010 where the Gibeonites lived over a thousand years before Christ, the exciting historical drama of Joshua’s and the Hebrews’ entry into Canaan springs to life in our imaginations.
Like Digging Deeper into HIStory (now updated and replaced by) Star Namer Bible Study: Joshua 9 & 10, the new study shares all those scriptures and delves deeper into at least one passage in each unit.
ARE Bible Studies “disguised as ACTION NOVELS!”
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Inject adventure and excitement into Bible Study for teens and tweens: family devotions, youth group, school settings. Gain a deeper love for God’s word through a twenty-unit companion to BOTH NOVELS! Immersed in the events of Joshua 9-10 and events of the Israelites’ last year of desert wanderings (O.T. Numbers-Joshua), read the holy text more closely. Add points of interest to a map of Canaan and visualize the historicity of Bible events. Follow internet links to reinforcement opportunities. Look at archaeological evidence. Compare and contrast reader’s life with the Late Bronze Age. Through YouTube learn two ways to sling a sling stone, cross the flooded Jordan River in a kayak, and explore the ancient border of Moab in the narrow 300-foot deep Arnon River Gorge’s raging waters, etc.
Short writing assignments inspire and motivate the student to read more and learn more.
PICTURE YOURSELF at the ruins of ancient Jericho!