OUR BUNCH, Jericho, 20117
. . . We have a new day, a new year, and new decade, and a still-new century barely begun.
But is there really any . new . thing under the sun?
We sometimes are tempted to think no one else as ever seen such a time as this. Is there any hope?
Oh yeah, there is hope! Because the Lord’s great love and compassion never fails. We are renewed every morning (Lam. 3:23). It’s our faith in the One who is faithful that sustains us.
For historical proof that there is nothing new under the sun and that God is in control, read an intriguing article about the times, the political situation, and the exploits of Nero, emperor of Rome, 54-68 A.D. The writer, Erich D. Schwartz, quips “Nero spent his life preparing himself a hot place in hell.”
Published in the October 2019 Newsletter of Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) by our friends and favorite archaeologists, you will also find their reports of the Shiloh Dig we took our whole family to in 2017. Each year since, ABR has uncovered amazing finds there.
Check out their reports and the dates and plans for the 2020 Shiloh Excavation.
Consider going.
You will be so glad you did.