· First posted by Peggy Consolver in 2017
OUR TRIP TO ISRAEL 2017: Tel Dan and Tel Hazor, Tues June 20
Our touring group of archaeologists and volunteers from the dig at Shiloh (directed by Dr. Scott Stripling) journeyed north to Tel Dan.
We were greeted by a resident at . . .
Tel Dan is beautiful for its lush forest at the foot of Mt. Hermon—the fabled old man mountain who always wears a capelet of snow.
Snow melt from Mt. Hermon is the major source of water for the Jordan River.
A welcome sight as we trek up the trail …
after days of landscape consisting mostly of dust, dirt, pebbles, rocks, stones and more rocks. All associated with the ancient stone buildings and its tall hills and medium mountains. There is no lack of building material there.
No pic, but a broken stone wheel provided a stepping stone to cross a small stream. Imagine a bridge in the 23rd century across a small stream or river constructed of 20th century hubcaps and wheels. 😉
More pictures of Tel Dan from our 2010 visit there:
Lower portion of stacked stones is typical Canaanite walls. Upper portion was built later with cut stones. Notice the socket stone to the left of the opening below.
Gates to these ancient cities are more than a door post set in a socket stone. As in the Book of Ruth, Boaz went to the city gate where there were places to sit with others where city business was transacted.
Another picture from our trip in 2010 is of a derelict Syrian dirt mover. We were told it was abandoned in 1967 when they tried to divert the flow of water from Mt. Hermon to the Jordan River. Our guide told us few people know that the main reason for the start of the war of 1967 was to defend Israel’s rights to this water.
Syrian dirt mover abandoned in 1967.
The Israeli national park provided a delightful ice-cold wading pool and nearby a new gift shop.
The frozen fruit bar was so excellent and excellently cold! Strawberry inside blackberry outside. Yum!